Word of the Day - reverie
Featured Word:
– state of being lost in one’s thoughts; daydreamFeatured Word:
Use reverie in a sentence:
best thing about his morning commute on the subway wasn’t the escape from the
traffic or the blissful 15 minutes to read the paper without interruptions from
children or coworkers; it wasn’t even the relatively quick hyper-leap across
the crowded city. And the worst thing wasn’t even the delays or the bodies
packed like sardines on those standing-room-only rush hour rides. There was
obviously far worse: pick pockets, derailments, decapitations on the tracks. As
the train came to an abrupt stop, he snapped out of his reverie and stepped out
onto the platform – at first he didn’t recognize where he was – had he missed
his stop? – then suddenly the place was all too familiar, it was where he’d
always been headed, it was the end of the …(snapping his fingers in his mind)
it was the end of the line, he
thought with a philosophical smile. No, it wasn’t the actually the end of the
line, not literally (there were four more stops ahead) but must have felt like
it as, head in the clouds, he stepped off the end of the platform into empty
space, free falling for what seemed an eternity into an empty bucket of KFC.
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